China import guide EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IMPORTS FROM CHINA A summary of what we've learned from helping hundreds of importers over the years improve their business. During this time, we not only perfected our own methods for finding, controlling and shipping goods from China, but also gained insight into what worked and what didn't, from our customers' perspective |
Wholesale BASIC TERMS In international trade, it is common practice to use widely recognized abbreviations. Find out what is OEM, ODM, FOB,EXW... Price, MOQ |
How to order goods from China STEP BY STEP ORDERING PROCESS The 5-step process of ordering goods from China. If you choose our services, here’s what the complete procurement process entails. Learn about the responsibilities you and we have during the goods ordering process. |
Buy from China HOW TO NEGOTIATE THE BEST PRICES FOR CHINESE PRODUCTS Buyers always start with the assumption that if I have to pay an agent, the import will certainly cost more, however, when purchasing large quantities from Chinese suppliers, this is not the case. Find out how to import goods and get the best deal. |